Don’t worry about your due dates for Credit Card bill payment as you can pay your credit card bills from anywhere and anytime on XPay Life. XPay Life allows you to make credit card bill payment for the Visa, Master, American Express (Amex), and Diners credit card of all the major bank. Be it SBI, HDFC, IndusInd Bank, Citi Bank and many other. So Open XPay life and pay your credit card bill instantly on XPay Life and leave all the stress behind. XPay Life’s credit card bill payment service is very easy and just takes a few steps to get processed. Moreover, you get many different payment options for your Credit Card payment.
XPay Life provide you with flexible payment methods for your Credit Card bill payment. You can pay through a debit card(less than 2000), net banking and UPI
It is very easy and convenient to pay your credit card bills on or XPay Life mobile app. All you have to do is follow these simple steps —
Go to credit card payment page on XPay Life
Click on ‘Proceed’
Enter the details and bill amount
Proceed with the payment
How long are you delaying your payment
How frequently the delays in payment occur
Your current credit score try to make your payments before your due dates to improve your credit score.